Friday, February 8, 2008


I have had a very busy day today and it's not even close to being over.
  1. Went to Jacob's school for his Honor Roll breakfast.
  2. Came home to finish two Alpha Tree Paintings.
  3. Built the frame for a custom canvas that I will be painting over the weekend.
  4. And built a frame for a little bird painting going to charity.
Yes, that was all this morning. And my day just started.

So, this weekend I am going to a charity event hosted by the Rotary clubs of Southlake, Denton, and the Metroport. I am donating two paintings. Alpha Tree and The little blue Titmouse bird. The Rotary Organization are raising funds to finish a medical clinic in Nicaragua. They will also being raising funds to bring down more medical supplies to families in need. The project is called "Friends of Nicaragua " and you can learn more about it at

I have been donating to this charity group for about a year now and I have met some amazing people. One of them is my good friend Debbie. She is a Rotarian, so sweet..."Hi Debbie!" The event is a poker and blackjack night. There will also be a silent auction, food, drinks, and just plain fun.
I can't wait.
Back to work!

1 comment:

Debbie Dickey said...

Marnie, your work is amazing! Your generosity to the community is beyond words..."to the moon" as Rocket Dog might say. Saturday's charity event raised over $3k for the clinic. Your paintings were the hit of the evening! People are drawn to your painting's warmth, color and originality. They brighten and compliment any room! I have "a Marnie" and love it. Wait, I have two - yea!