So I've been a little absent from the blog lately, but I have an excuse. Managing three boys with football these days is quite overwhelming along with growing this business that I've started. Football is constantly on my mind. And why shouldn't it be, six days a week is the schedule. Yes, six days. Sunday is our only day of rest..oh wait the pros play that day...TV all day.
I even went for a three mile run this morning, I'm a die hard runner, and instead of thinking about what I need to accomplish with my business, I thought about football. I thought about how my son Ryan, who plays running back for his team, has a scrimmage today. I was even running his plays that he has had to learn through my head...that is so sad.
I have come to the conclusion that I love football, love to watch my boys play it, and to see how much they enjoy it. My son Austin, who is pictured above, can't get enough of it.
Well, on to business news. I have many things going on that I will start posting about tomorrow. I am really going to try to start posting every day. I think I might have to do it at night though because I am so tied with my morning routine. So please check back this week for news, I have much to tell. I'm off to start my day of work with shipping orders, painting, and thinking about football...can't forget about that! Have a great day!-Marnie V.