Monday, November 29, 2010



For Cyber Monday I'm continuing my special of FREE SHIPPING
off my main website J.AUSTINRyan. This is an amazing deal considering it's almost
a $20 value. This offer is good through Dec. 18th and you will receive the art
before Christmas! This offer is good for US residents only. If you are outside the US, please contact me for pricing. Etsy site I am offering 20% off with coupon code My2010...and that's
just like getting free shipping:).

Now start shopping and give the gift of art this Holiday season!

Marnie V.

Friday, November 12, 2010

#1 of the "Tiny Small Art Project"

It's here!!!! #1 of the "Tiny Small Art Project". And it's for sale to the first who emails me:).The title if this tiny small painting is called "Modern Barn." It's simple, clean lines, and perfect for that little spot in your home that needs some attention.

Info on the Art: PRICE-$40 to US residents(shipping included)
-$50 to international(shipping included)
size- 6x6"x 1 1/2" depth* painted with acrylic paints and then sealed with a nontoxic UV sealer* card attached to the back labeled and numbered.

Here's how to get this great little piece of art-

First, send me an email that you want it and have to have it. Second, I'll respond letting you know it's yours quickly. Then I will send you an invoice through PayPal. You don't have to have an account with PayPal to purchase the art and the steps are easy to follow once the invoice comes to you. Then it will be shipped UPS the next business day directly to you. And then it's yours.

Any art in this series that I'm creating that doesn't sell within 5 days will be added to my main website to be sold and bought. And if you didn't read my previous so. It explains how I'm creating 50 ORIGINAL pieces of art in this series and they are all tiny! And the best a great price. So be apart of this project and buy some art!

Don't forget that custom paintings are welcomed and by specific number. Art for this project will be added fun. - Marnie V.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Project You Won't Want To Miss!!!

Have you ever had that space in your home where a tiny piece of art would fit perfectly? Oh wait...I know you have that space in your home somewhere...we all do. It's that little spot you walk by many times wishing for the perfect piece of art to put in it's place. I can tell you that I have many of them actually. And, slowly I've been trying to fill them up with my own art and art from others artists. And I mean affordable great art. It doesn't have to be expensive, just something that catches your taste and style.

So a couple of weeks ago I was determined to tackle one of those spots in my family room. The room where we gather every night and when friends come over, everyone ends up there. It's almost done as far as decorating goes and I've lived in this house for six years now. Well a year ago I created the large abstract on the left, which fits the room and colors well. But the right of it has needed something ever since. My husband, who I constantly tell has no design bones in him, came up with the idea to add little paintings next to it. At first I said no in that I just didn't see it, and him of all people suggesting it. But the more I looked at it, he was right. It needed exactly that.

So I created little pieces of art, little landscapes actually, and they turned out great. You can see that on the right of them I have these wooden open shelves and that's what really made it look like something was missing. The little landscapes are painted on wood that are only 3 1/2"x 3 1/2" big...they are tiny and so cute. The space really came together after I placed them on the wall. And of course...I praised my husband for his good sense of design:).

So with all that..this post brings me to a special project I'm going to create. It's called the "Tiny Small Art Project". Starting this Friday I'll be creating little pieces of art, 5x7" size that will be sold for only $40 to US customers and $50 for International customers. Those prices do include the shipping. I will only be creating 50 tiny pieces of art in this project and each one will be different. The art will include landscapes, still life, and even some abstracts thrown in. I will post pictures of each piece for purchase on my blog and through facebook. It's a first come first serve basis...should be fun. And, if your looking for a perfect gift for someone this holiday season...this would be it. I'm even willing to take custom orders if you want something created and want it to be #5 in the series. I will have all the details Friday afternoon along with the first piece for sale.

How cool would it be to finally fill that spot and have an ORIGINAL piece of art that's in a series of 50...very. Well, I'll be back Friday afternoon...and tell your friends! -Marnie V.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sweet Mobiles :)

I thought I would post on my mobiles today since they have been quite a hit. It's the little things that we add to a room that really makes it all come together. I have raindrop mobiles that come in pink, green, orange, and blue. I also offer a paper airplane mobile thats made out of wood also and all these can be found in my ETSY shop.

These mobiles are made out of eco friendly wood and the colors are simply sweet. And from what my customers tell me, they are using them in all sorts of rooms....of course mainly a child's room/nursery. They're painted with non toxic acrylic paints and then sanded buttery smooth and sealed with a non toxic sealer. I'm actually working on another one but won't be out until the beginning of next year. So you'll have to wait until then.....Have a great day-Marnie V.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Moving Along

These past few weeks have been crazy say the least. Football season will be coming to an end here in the great old state of Texas soon and I'm thankful. I've enjoyed my boys playing of course, but it has definitely taken me away from a lot of my work. I'm still illustrating a book and supplying to my stores as well. I've been so busy that the new art in my brain for the past few months, well, it's still there. In the coming weeks I plan to create some much needed new pieces. I'm leaving you today with a little piece to the book I'm illustrating now. I've created so many monkey's and each one has always been different. I love the expression I created for this one...his mouth is full of bananas. Well I'm off to create and enjoy my 13 yr. old last football game tonight. Have a great day! Marnie V.