Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Seriously! What else!

Collage above is a custom Rocket Dog I'm working on right now for a client.

This past week has been seriously unpredictable, and not in a good way. We have had a few bad storms these past few days, and last night being the worst. I looked outside and it was basically a hurricane type whatever, even though we are not even in Hurricane season.
The bad thing is these storms cause my internet to go WACCO and it turn reflects on me not getting any computer work done at all. I have two trade shows coming up within the next couple of weeks so I'm scarily a little behind.
On top of all of this, football ends this week with my boys, parties and ends next week, so I need to go find teacher gifts and i go crazy doing so. And because our weather has been so crazy with the temperatures dropping and rising, my boys all have sore throats and the sneezing thing. We are battling football injuries as well...oh yeah...I could seriously go on and on.
But what topped it all off.
MY POOL IS GREEN! I hate when my pool is green. And, one of my neighbors behind me, there fence blew over into my yard last night...of course. Now I have to go around the block, bring our Home Owners Assoc. papers with me, and explain how since a certain part of the fence is on there side that they need to repair the fence. I'll let you know how that goes.
Ok..I'm done complaining and somewhat feeling a little better for doing so.
Have a wonderful day! Marnie V.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I had to post this picture today courtesy of Jason Munford. It's of my son Ryan #11 scoring a touchdown, but it's the ref that makes the picture. The opponent missed the tackle, rolled, and the ref had to cool. And great job truly are a stud!
I'm still working on this big custom safari themed order which I'm hoping to post some pictures of please check back. Have a great day- Marnie V.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Home Preview- My Son Austin's Room

Hello....just taking a break from a HUGE custom job I'm working and I need to step away from for a little bit. I've been showing little bits of my home every couple of weeks and today I'm bringing you my youngest son Austin's room. He is a serious trinket collector, football lover, book reader, and the sweetest 9 yr. old ever! The letter A above I made when we first moved in, the wood came from scraps that my house was built with. Oh and the foot on the wall...that's a football fathead...of course.
Austin's bed where he loves to read. These are some of his favorite books, but he switches them out from time to time. The little wooden box usually has some sort of special rock or whatever in it, and clay mask he made at school.
When he was a baby, he loved Curious George, and I wish I had pictures of his nursery. Just picture, modern furniture, butter cream walls, vintage prints of Curious George on the wall, toys in baskets on the most adorable scalloped bookcase, and vintage charm.
And of course, my first ever Rocket Dog that I painted adorns a wall in his room.

His trophies that he has earned sits along his shelf. The shelf shown actually wraps around his entire room. I built it myself...a lot of work but completely worth it. Austin loves putting things on display in his room. The picture on the left he colored and received second place in an art contest.
The famous walkie talkies( not sure is i spelled that right), that he is always having me carry one around the house...just in case he needs me to bring him something.
I also installed this garage bead board in silver then added hooks and string so Austin could play with all his little men. This is below the shelf and a really smart idea I had, he loves it.
And...what better thing to hang on your door than a "Are you fan enough" sticker. It's football related...I know..didn't get it at first either.
Well, I better get back to this order and hope you enjoyed the pics! Have a great day and will soon show more of my home...Marnie V.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

J.AUSTINRyan is going to Hong Kong

"Wallpaper Rain"

"Raining Love"

"polar Mountain"
I am so excited to be getting my art into Hong Kong! Linea Negra Maternity is the name of the store. They sell high end maternity clothes and for baby as well. They have recently been adding other products to the store and I'm so happy to be one of them. The pictures above are a few of what they purchased. The shipment is ready and going today...well, it's been ready and finally UPS is picking it up today.
On to the next and off to paint- Marnie V.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Bubblegum Love

With the art appreciation sail in full swing, here's another I added to the shop today. It's titled "The Bubblegum Fox" and I really love the colors I chose for this little painting and if you love to it's available here in the shop. My inspiration for this painting came to me last night as my oldest son Jacob was begging me to buy him some bubblegum. You see, he has braces on so his craving for bubblegum that he always chewed in the past is really being missed. I tell him he has a year to go...I'm so mean. And honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he sneaks a few times or more until then. Well, today's post is big and sweet for my role today with this business is packing orders, filing, and being a productive secretary. Have a great day....Marnie V.