Thursday, May 15, 2008

Custom Painting is the custom painting I have so diligently been working on for the past few weeks. In between my other paintings, this piece turned out great. The door in the painting comes from the customers front door. Isn't it gorgeous? It is solid wood, carved, and simply lovely.
I wish I had a picture of their entire home because it is amazing. They live in downtown Fort Worth, in a historic area, and the family is simply lovely.
This was such a fun project and so glad I had the chance to create it.
And a big thank you to the customers, this piece is going to look great in your lovely home. And with all this done, my computer is down AGAIN. I am writing this blog on my husband's computer, which I totally feel out of place...Well, I'm off to Home Depot to bye wood. I am making frames for my friends mirrors that are going to go in her newly renovated bathroom. I already stained the new double vanity for them and now I'm creating frames to match. This all comes from my experience with the furniture company I used to work for. Yes, I am a regular at Home that place. Have a great day! M

1 comment:

Julie said...

Your painting is amazing. I am in awe and can't imagine being able to create something like that. Your customer had to be beside herself when she saw it.
Home deot rocks I hate Lowe's and try never to go there. Beside Target, Home Depot is one of the few places that is open at 8:30 in the morning. I am a morning person
Have a fun weekend, julie